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Must Read: Faith Works

Episode 7 years ago

Must Read: Faith Works

Lara gazed at her full length at the mirror; satisfied by what she saw,
she smiled to herself.

She smoothened the hips of her flimsy knee length gown, she loved
her hips, its one of her greatest physical asset.

“Hmmm can’t wait!” she told herself excitedly as she oiled her

She should have fixed a weavon or plaited some braids as her friend-
Deji had adviced, but she isn’t a fan of those artificial stuffs, she
preferred to go natural.

“What’s lacking?” she asked her beautiful reflection.

“Nothing more, just to wait for the man.” she chuckled.

Tony, her husband, would be back home, after spending five good
months overseas on his so called ‘business trips’.

Their marriage was barely a year, and Tony has spent more than half
of it travelling. She hissed.

Their’s was an arranged marriage, she had met Tony for the first
time on their wedding day. She remembered how harsh he was on
that day.

She shuddered at the thought.

He had always gave excuses when it comes to making love. He had
never touched her, not even a kiss…

The door bell rang, interrupting her thoughts.

“Yea baby! Time for action!” she said excitedly as she catwalked to
the door.

“Hey…welcome back home!” she said pleasantly as he walked in.

“Thank you!” Tony mumbled.

She tried to hug him, but he stoped her
“Please!” he raised his hands.

She swallowed hard, plan number one failed.

Next plan…

“Errmm, why don’t you take a cold shower?

You must be tired after
such a long journey…errmm, I’d be setting the table..so that errm…

you can eat.” Lara said with a sweet smile.

Tony ignored her, instead, he walked past her into his room.

Lara followed him with her eyes.

What was she gonna do, he still hates her this much. She sighed
heavily sitting at the edge of a sofa.

She was lost in her thoughts when Tony’s phone rang sharply. She
stared at the phone as it vibrated on the center table, she was
tempted to pick it but couldn’t, Tony had warned her severally never
to pick his calls.

“Hello Baby?” Tony said into the phone catching Lara’s attention.

“Yea, just arrived few minutes ago.” he said again.

Lara swallowed hard. Baby? Did he just call another woman baby?
“No no no! That’s not true baby, you know I’ll miss you more.” Tony
said again.

Lara rose sharply, she felt her anger rose, this was a disrespect to
the highest order.

“Yea love, ama call ya later. Okay? Take care sweerie.” he cooed
softly before ending the call.

He turned to Lara who glaring at him.

“Why don’t you get me my food, instead of you standing there like a
palm tree?” he said scornfully.

“Who is she?” Lara blurted out.

” ‘she’ is not your business i-diot!” He snapped at her.

“Now move your bum into the kitchen!” he ordered.

Lara walked quitely into the kitchen, she was no longer angry but
scared. She was scared of something she couldn’t fathom.

Well, she won’t give up, plan number three…

“so do you like the food?” she asked as she watched Tony eat up his
food in mouthfuls.

“Your mum told me its your favourite dish.”

she added not minding
his rude silence.

Tony coughed slightly, gulped down some water.

“Please Lara, let me eat in peace! Do I need to choke?” his voice was

“But..I…” she looked confused.

Tony rolled his eyes.

“I wonder why this illiterate girl can’t just let me be!” He muttered at
the Bewildered Lara.

“Can’t you gerrit that I don’t talk while eating? Didn’t your mother
teach you table manners?” he asked angrily.

“I’m sorry.” Lara mumbled leaving the dinning area. Tears clouded
her eyes, she looked visibly scared.

Tony watched her leave, he felt sorry for her.

He shouldn’t treat her
that way, he knew! But he just hated the marriage, he was forced
into it by his parents.

She was beautiful and lovable, but his anger has already taken over
his heart.

His food became tasteless, he hated to see beautiful girls cry

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Must Read: Faith Works

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