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Dirty daughter - S01 E15

Story 3 months ago

Dirty daughter - S01 E15

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 15

After the confessions, she prayed for me and I felt sudden peace in my heart, I decided to go home to see my family before I turn myself in.

“Joanne, one more thing always remember this scripture Isaiah 43:2- fear not! When you pas-s throu-gh the waters I will be with you and throu-gh the rivers, they shall not overflow you, when you pas-s throu-gh the fire you shall not be burned; neither shall the flame scotch you’ The Lord Jesus is always with you even when you don’t know it. ” she quoted and I smiled.
“Thank you Debbie” I thanked her.

“For what?”
“For everything, you’ve been more than a friend to me but a sister” I hvgged her and she returned the hvg.

“You re-ady…oh sorry I interrupted an emotional moment” Ken apologised and I sm-irked.

“Okay Joanne, time to go home and face the music!” I tell my self after a long sigh. Ken drove me to my compound and attem-pted to go in with me but I st©pped him.

“No Ken, you’ve done more than enough for me, you can move on with your life now” I tell him and he had a puzzled look on.

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“I’m ending this relationsh!p, since I’d be in prison now I don’t want you to come visit or do anything of any sort. You deserve better” I said and he shrugged.

“No Joanne, you are my girlfriend and would be my girlfriend no matter the circu-mtances” he held my hands but I re-leased my self from his wit.

“Too bad you are not my b©yfri£nd” I opened the door and ran inside, I felt bad for him but I felt worse for myself, I’m a murderer now. I stepped inside. it was all over the news. “The daughter of Peter H. Quay, the s£nior pastor and foun-der of COSM had been confirmed dead and sources has it that one of Peter’s children who was identified to be Joanne H. Quay killed the illegitimate child; Kesha H. Quay due to jealousy…” My dad turned off the TV as he paced to and fro while my mom cried.

They saw me and my mom ran towards me along with my siblings.

“Joanne where the hell have you been?” Jaden asked and I smiled.

“I’ve made peace with myself, I’m turning myself in, I can’t be a fugitive forever.” I said and my mom cried some more while my dad gave me a stern look

“I told you Joanne, stay at home, don’t go anywhere but you left now see” my mom cried as she placed her hands on her head and Jessica consoled her while I watched in regrets. Dang it! I killed Kesha, I tried calling my girls but their phone were switched off, I’m sure their parents flew them out of the country so they wouldn’t be afflicted with the crime since they were sp©tted on the crime scene.

“You’ve ruined me Joanne” my dad added and continued in panic. Soon we heard a knock on the door. And fear gr!pp£dme, it’s the police, I’d be arrested right now! My dad opened the door and the gateman told us that policemen was at the front of our gate. I panicked and my mom stood up to comfort me.
“Breath in, breath out” she said with her hands on my back, my dad glanced at me.

“Let them in” he said lowly.

We waited for a while when the policemen c@m£ into the house.

“Good day to you all” a man dressed in uniform said and we greeted him back.

“Sources told us that Joanne is back to the house” the man said and I scoffed, my neighbours have a big mouth I’m not surprised.

“Yes, I’m Joanne” I said with a shaky voice.

“You are un-der arrest for the murder of Kesha H. Quay…”
“Anything you say would be used against you in the court of law” I said along him and rolled my eyes and I lift my hands up so they could cuff me.

“Joanne!!!” My mom cried as they dragged me away, I breathed in and out wondering how Juvenile prison would be since I’m not up to 18 and maybe before my trial ends I’d alre-ady be 18, trust me this sh… God have mercy on me. I’m just so tired of life right now. You can join Author MarbleJ Love Stories (A.M.L.S)for interesting stories. They put me into the car and drove off, I could still hear the screams of my mom and the cries of my family, this is what I brou-ght upon myself by myself.

I got to the station and they locked me in the prison still awaiting trial.

Days went by I was still there very tired and weak, they fed me with unhealthy meals but I had to eat because if I don’t I’d starve to death. I had started to pray and re-ad the bible daily and I was amazed how spiritually strong I was getting by the day, I still had to fight some urge like drinking, S-x and m———-n but the grace of The Lord is seeing me throu-gh.

Debbie visited the previous day and she gave me scriptures to meditate on and also gave me the story of Paul and Silas and said The Lord would deliver me just like he delivered Paul and Silas and I have been walking in the consciousness.

I stayed on the floor praying when a police officer said I have a visitor. I c@m£ out to the counter and saw him standing right there looking at me, my heart skipped and I froze as I swallowed the big lump in my throat.

“What the hell are you going here?!” I yelled and he smiled.
“I’ve missed you Joanne!” He said and I fli-cked. How dare he after all the insults, now he c@m£ here in my predic@m£nt to insult me.

“Joanne, I’m sorry!” He said.
“Fred, how dare you come here?” I asked and he smiled.
“Well, I don’t really care about your as-s, I just c@m£ here to tell you to test for HIV because I just tested and I have it so I’m warning all the people I had S-x with to check their status” he blurted out and turned to leave.

“You are heartless Fred, very and my God would judge you” I cried as the policemen dragged me inside. But wait is he kidding me?  Does that mean I have HIV in this my predic@m£nt. D–n! I ruined my life.

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