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The Enemy Within - S01 E07

Story 3 months ago

The Enemy Within - S01 E07

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 7

The Enemy Within, Episode Seven

"I'm sorry broke your heart. It was never my

intention to enter your life in the first place. This

was why refused to show any deep emotions

since I arrived. I'm sorry I have to repeat it again,

but I don't love you. It's just the truth. My

parents put me into this situation. I have never

broken any heart since I became old enough to

date. Instead, it is my own heart that has always

been broken repeatedly. Your heart will be the

first heart I will break because can't help it. I

can't marry a man I don't love and who I barely

know simply because my selfish parents want

me to marry into a rich family. It's true your

family is rich and you might even be a nice guy,

but the bigger truth is that I don't love you.

Forgive me if I have hurt you." Clara was crying

as she was talking to Uche who sat on his bed

with his left hand supporting his chin.

"Please talk to me. I want to hear you out. Were you having some hopes that you were going to marry me? I thought I have given you enough reasons to believe I was never interested in this whole thing. Since I arrived in this compound, I have raised several red flags, hoping you would pick up the message and dump me by yourself, but I think you have missed it all along. I have been dropping cryptic message after message to let you know I'm not romantically involved with you but you have probably not paid any attention." Clara continued to talk. Her tears poured like rain water. Her words were coming out in quick successions and it was like she was pouring out deeply hurting emotions which had bottled up for many months.

"From the day my parents told me I must agree

to be your wife, I lost my happiness because I

love another man. They rejected him because

he is from a poor background. They vowed to

stop giving me money until I agreed to get

married to you. They vowed to stop paying my

school fees in USA until accepted to be your

wife even though I have only seen you in

pictures. I had no money and I was not working,

so there was no way I could pay the expensive

school fees myself. These are part of the

reasons I accepted to marry you, but since a few

weeks ago, it has become clear that I cannot

keep telling myself lies. I feel nothing for you,

and if we end up getting married, you will not

enjoy me." Clara told Uche who was yet to say

anything. Clara didn't understand why he was

keeping mute, so she was explaining herself to

let him know that their proposal was just a


"Please talk to me. We have to figure out what to do because I cannot marry you and my parents wouldn't allow me into the house either. You have to help me out. I'm sure you don't want to end up getting married to a sad woman who would end up becoming an unquenchable trouble and fire in your house. Yes, if I end up getting married to you, I will be very troublesome because I don't love you. Please, help me to escape this marriage. I don't want it and I don't want my parents to send me away either." Clara said. She had stopped crying and was now pleading with Uche.

"Are you going to help me or not?" Clara asked as she wiped her tears.

"I will help you." Uche said when he finally lifted his face. He looked at Clara closely and saw that her eyes were red because she had been crying for a long time.

"My goodness! Thanks very much for forgiving me. I was wrong, because I should have let you know the moment I stepped into the compound that I was not interested in getting married to you. Now, I have allowed you to get yourself emotionally entangled with me before letting you know what I feel about you and the whole marriage thing." Clara said.

"The truth is that I feel the same way about you. I don't love you. In fact, I have been the saddest person on earth since the day I learned I must marry you." Uche confessed to Clara who was shocked by all he was saying.

"What did you just say? You mean you are in the same situation as me?" Clara asked with mild smile on her face. Her joy was gradually returning after learning she did not offend Uche after all.

"Yes, we are in the same situation. Your

confession of not being in love with me was actually a huge relieve. My parents forced me to accept you as a bride. I have a girlfriend whom I love some much and was planning to marry before I got the shocking news that there was already a bride waiting for me. My father has threatened to disinherit me if I refused to get married to you. I didn't know what to do and I was just tagging along to see if a miracle would happen. And now, the miracle has happened. I'm the happiest man on earth today." Uche said as he stood up and spread his two hands in the air happily.

"Hmmm! This means we have the same kind of parents who are obsessed with having rich in- laws. This is insane and I can't wait to see their plans fall flat. How can you force two young people who feel nothing for each other to get married? It is an act of wickedness. What are we going to do? There must be something to be done to help us out of this situation." Clara said.

"I have a good plan. I want you to follow my lead. If we implement the plan well, we will win and you will get married to your boyfriend and I to my girlfriend. Now that it is clear that the two of us are in the same situation, the problem is half-solved." Uche said happily as they both hugged each other.

Watch out for episode 8.

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The Enemy Within - S01 E06

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The Enemy Within - S01 E08

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