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Hidden Pleasure - S01 E39

Story 2 months ago

Hidden Pleasure - S01 E39

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 39


It’s been a few days since I met Leon’s father at the headquarters now it’s like he vanished into thin air or something because I haven’t seen him after that day .

I checked out myself in the mirror before picking my channel bag and making my way out of the mansion.

I miss Leon and I still have two more days before his arrival.

These past days have been spent with ,late night calls and working to keep myself busy .

I miss him badly .

Getting into the car ,joma drove me towards the office .

I started working immediately I reached my office and closed early .

As joma drove towards the house ,I decided to stop by the mall ,to get some things .

It was a luxurious mall and as I picked snacks to stock the house up .

Someone hissed just behind me ,which had me curious .

I turned around and it was Layla .

Layla ,I haven’t met her since his mom’s birthday party .

The girl was just too rude and arrogant for my liking.

” Goodevning b!tch ” she said and I resisted the urge to chuckle.

Did she just call me a b!tch ? Seriously .

I turned to her as my eyes scanned her from head to toes .

” I’m not in the mood for unecessary drama Layla . Grow up , I’m not buying this Ex trying to bully the girlfriend drama ,I’m not someone that let’s people bully her .” I said in one go .

” And you’re dating a Delgado ? Fvck you must be so naive” she said smirking.

” You know what ,I should get going ” I said pushing my trolley.

” Can’t handle the truth ? The Delgado family is not what it looks like Imani ,you don’t belong here . The earlier you realize you’re just a pass time for Leonardo ,the better it will be for you ” she said and I turned to her .

” A pass time ” I asked walking close to her .

” A relationship is about taking risks Layla , you think he’s passing time with me ? Then fine. Why can’t you handle the fact that we are both passing time with each other ?

” Let us pass out time in peace ” I said with a chuckle.

” Let’s see if you still have this energy when you begin to understand this ” she said and i smirked.

” Saying all this won’t stop me from dating Leon , If he is dangerous or the Delgado’s are dangerous let them be dangerous . I will cross the bridge with my man when I get there . I don’t need some stupid warning from an unimportant Ex ” I said calmly.

” What did you just call me ? She asked Angrily .

” An Ex Layla and do you know what an Ex means when ? An Example of someone we should never consider dating again , especially if that person is you .

She raised her hand and hung it in the air as my eyes met hers .

I stared at her hand ,then to her face .

” You play too much Layla ,I don’t fight with girls who don’t know how to close their legs .go and learn how to do that first ” I said and walked passed her.

I was angry ,so angry with Leonardo right now .

What exactly is he hiding from me ?

Why can’t he come out plain about his family ?

Why can’t he trust me ?

It’s not like I’ll believe anything I hear from someone or break up with him because of what his family is involved with .

It will only hurt me if I find out he is involved and has lied to my face about it .

I made my way home and I lost my appetite to even eat .

Leon hasn’t called me yet . I’ve waited for his calls or even text messages all to no avail .

I was worried and could barely close my eyes .

I tried calling him but it kept going straight to voicemail .

I called Jeff Who refused to pick up as well.

The next morning ,I woke up with a banging headache .

Maybe I slept off while waiting for him to call me or at least text me.

Leon is hurting me ,with this intentionally or unintentionally.

How would a full grown man with a girlfriend ,not pick up his calls.

He won’t tell me he was busy , you can never be too busy for a woman you are in a relationship with.

I Freshened up And went to the kitchen for breakfast .

My phone rang and when my eyes moved to the caller ID ,it was Omari ,my older brother.

” Goodmorning Om ” I said immediately I picked the call .

” Chill kiddo ,it’s afternoon over here ” he said laughing.

” Ooops ” I said with a chuckle.

” I’ve missed you kiddo ,are you coming for mom’s birthday ? He asked calmly.

” Fvck when is it again ? I asked rubbing my forehead.

” You forgot your mother’s birthday party ? He asked and I sighed .

” It’s still a few weeks away ,you scared me” i said and he laughed.

” Just wanted to remind you ,silly girl “he said calmly .

Omari can come off as a strict older brother sometimes.

But he’s very sweet and caring .

” I heard your Spanish man treats you good” he teased.

” Zuri ” i muttered under my breath.

” I heard from Zuri of cause , and I figured out she got the news from your friends ” he laughed.

” Zuri is crazy ,I hope you’re happy ” he asked calmly .

” Yeah ” I muttered under my breath as my mind went back to my boyfriend.

I’ve always hated distance relationships ,I loved communication.

If someone told me I’ll one day get into a relationship that has me with a man that travels a lot .

I’d say no ,but here I am dating a billionaire that travels a lot .

I know Leon has been controlling his schedule ever since we got involved .

But can I even cope ?

I shook off the bad thoughts as I felt an ugly feeling in the pit of my stomach.

That’s the main reason my Ex and I broke up .

He went to school in Stanford ,while I stayed back in Capetown.

I’m scared of distance.

Om and I talked for a while and immediately he ended the call I decided to skip work today .

For reasons best known to me .

Going to work will be of no use to me because I’ll be distracted .

I changed into a black leggings and green crop top ,which I paired with diamond laid slippers.

I scrolled through my phone and sighed .

So this man has decided not to call me ? Is he for real right now ?

I sat down in the sitting room and after some time ,my phone rang again .

I checked again and it was Erduardo.

” Eddy ” i said immediately I picked up .

” Our wife ” he said and I paused .

Shifting the phone my ears to stare at it ,I brought it back to my ears .

” That’s a Nigerian slang ,where did you get that from ? I asked .

” I have a Nigerian Best friend and you’ll be suprised how much I know about your people ? ” he asked laughing.

” Oh ….” I said teasingly.

” Chill , before your mind takes you to the wrong places . He’s a guy ,I’ll have you know I’m straight .” He said and I can imagine the look on his face .

” Oh ,I thought it was a woman ,my bad ” I said and he laughed.

” Women …” He trailed .

” Men ” I said back .

” What are you to ? He asked calmly .

” Nothing ” I said frowning.

” Missing my brother ? He asked teasingly.

” Yeah ” I said frowning .

I hated the fact that he hasn’t called . Leon will have to explain what kept him so busy to the point that he didn’t find it necessary to call me .

” Just continue missing him till later tonight ,how about I host you at one of my clubs tonight . ? He asked and I stayed quiet as I contemplated if I should attend or not .

Erduardo is not a bad guy ,I knew that deep down .

If he wanted to make a move on me ,he would have done that a long time ago.

” Fine if you promise to bring your Nigerian friend ” i said and he laughed.

” I’ll ask him first then , see you tonight . I’ll text you the address” he said and ended the call .

I didn’t try to call Leonardo . I just took a nap and got myself busy with something else.

Later that evening ,I changed into a black club dress that ended just before my knees.

Tied my hair in a sexy pony . As I paired it with black silletos.

I picked my purse ,tucked my phone and cards as I made my way out .

” Ma’am ” joma said in shock .

” What ? I asked frowning.

” This is one of Mr Erduardo’s clubs” he said suprised .

” And ? I asked.

” Nothing ,it’s nothing ma’am ” he said immediately .

He drove towards the club and when we got there , the exterior of the place was luxurious.

The bouncers outside checked my ID before letting me in .

Immediately I got in ,I noticed the different lights coming from the Disco .

The waiters walked around in black and white uniforms .

There was a girl stripping on the pole and men cheered her up .

The place was busy ,with people gambling and I rubbed my arms.

I wasn’t really comfortable ,but this was who he was and I respect him for that .

” Hey ” he waved at me and I noticed his outfit .

Now that I looked at it ,he has a slight resemblance with his older brother .

And what’s it with Delgado men and their drip.

He looked really expensive and handsome in his Dior outfit.

” You look beautiful chica ” he said and I chuckled.

” You must be Imani , I’m Deyemi Quinton . You can call me Quin ” the Dark guy Introduced himself.

He had the typical Nigerian accent ,but something told me he was doing it on purpose.

” Nice to meet you ” I said smiling.

” Ah ,I wanted to see for myself that Leon has a girlfriend now and my bestie has the balls to actually host her . I’ve dug his grave just in case he decided to kill him after this ” Quin said laughing as Eddy rolled his eyes.

“I’m not bad , I’m just the…” He trailed .

” Black sheep of the Delgado family” Quin mocked .

” Why am I friends with you again ? Eddy asked .

‘ oh please”

” By the way Imani it’s not fair that you go around with this kind of body , don’t you want the men to breath ? I sprinkle you with the blood of Leonardo ” Quin said and I burst into laughter as Eddy lit up a ciggerrate.

He smokes ? Leon and Eddy were definitely two sides of the coin .

They were so different from each other.

They made order and Quin was the talker ,I laughed so much my eyes watered .

A girl moved into Eddy’s laps dancing and he just scrolled through his phone.

I took a short video with Quinton and then Eddy who smoked like I wasn’t making a video with him .

” Chilling with the badboys” I posted on my Instagram and what’s app status and it wasn’t long before I got messages .

Tega :….Ashewoooooooo ! Go and sleep.

Avy : where did you meet those Greek gods ?

Zuri : allow the singles breathhhhhhjjjj!

” You’re not single ” I texted back while bitting my lower lip.

My phone rang and it was Leonardo.

I stared at the caller ID in shock then my post .

Just a few minutes and it was going viral .

Was the world waiting for me to post or what ?

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Hidden Pleasure - S01 E38

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Hidden Pleasure - S01 E40

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