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My crush is a gay - S01 E14

Story 2 weeks ago

My crush is a gay - S01 E14

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 14



“Have you found it?” Angela asked Edward as he came out to the surface.

“No Angela” he replied.

“Are you sure you dropped it here?” Mike asked.

“I didn’t take it off…it was on me I’m sure of it Mikey”

“Don’t worry Angel I’m gonna make sure to find it” Edward a-ssured before diving back into the water.

Angela sighed rubbing her hands together.

Mike looks at her then to his necklace.

“It can’t be…” He mutters to himself.

“I FOUND IT!” Edward came out of the water with the necklace in his hand grinning.

“It’s this right?”

“Oh Eddie…” Angela rushed to take it from him but Mike did before she could.


“This…is it. Mom’s necklace…” He said looking at it.


“I’m so nervous… what if I can’t do it? What if I messed up!” Abby said worried and Mrs Dion smiles at her crouching to her level.

” Do you know why I chose you?” She asked and Abby shakes her head.

” Because I know you can do it. You stand out among others and you have that fire in you. The same one I had when I was just like you. I like your determination. ”


“You’ve finally come this far Abby…are you just gonna let it go despite everything …all the hoops you went throu-ghto get here?” Mrs Dion asked softly and Abby shakes her head again.

“They’re so many…what if I…I…”

“Remember…they all came here today for you. Those people outside there are over million. They came out of their house tonight. To see you perform. You… Abby. Everything here ….is all because of you can you bear to disappoint them?”

Abby shakes her head.

“I trust you…my trust…is all in you. Your performance tonight… decides my fate…so I’m putting all my hope in you”

“Ma’am Kara…?”

Mrs Dion took off her necklace and smiles at her.

” This will be your lucky charm… trust me” she wore the necklace on her and Abby looks at the shinny thing on her neck.

“Promise me… you’re gonna fly higher than this butterfly”

“Not only will I fly higher… I’ll also shine brighter than it. I promise…I won’t let you down” Abby smiles while Mrs Dion hugs her smiling also.

“Good luck… I’ll be waiting” she said while Abby nodded.

“Mom” Mike called walking towards them.

“Oh Mike darling… here can you stay with Abby till they call her out?”

“Why do I have to stay with her?” Mike asked rudely.

“Tonight… she’s mom’s Glory…stay with her… I’ll be back” Mrs Dion smiles before leaving them.

“Hey” Mike called.

“I… will do well right?” Abby asked while Mike’s eyes caught the necklace on her neck.

“Why are you wearing that? Give it back”

“No way! Ma’am Kara gave it to me. It’s my lucky charm”

“Lucky charm? ” Mike sighs.

“Sure… seems you’ll need it tonight. But you… don’t you dare mess up I may not know much but mom is sacrificing a lot for you”

“I won’t let her down…I certainly will not”

“We shall see about that”


“wow… you’re amazing Abby…this is so beautiful” Angela gushed looking at the award Abby collected earlier.

“I … can’t believe I did it. It done feel real”

“My dear…mom is so proud of you. From now on you’re gonna soar higher”

“This is all thanks to ma’am Kara…and her lucky charm” she smiles at the necklace.

“Wow… what’s that? It’s so beautiful… Abby can I see it?”

“No way… back off…this is my lucky charm… I’m giving no one!”

“Cheapskate” Angela hissed.

“You guys should go sleep early we’re going back early in the morning tomorrow”

“Yes Mom” they both chorused going to their room.

Angela couldn’t sleep thinking about the necklace she saw on Abby earlier. It looks so beautiful that she just can’t take her mind off it. And since Abby wouldn’t released it to her. She planned to get it her way. Knowing that Abby is fast asleep…she snuck up to her and gently removed the necklace from her neck.

She went to her bed and wore it giggling non-stop as she feels satisfied with herself.

“I love it… Abby is so lucky to have this” she murmurs to herself.

The next morning was too hectic. They had to leave early and was in a rush. Abby didn’t notice the necklace wasn’t on her anymore.



“I’m sure it was on me yesterday night when I went to bed…I didn’t take it off…but now I can’t….I’m so sorry Mrs Kara…” She apologized with her head down.

“Will your apology provide the necklace? You .. better find it or I won’t let you off” Mike threatened.

“Mike it’s okay… Abby try to remember if you took it off yesterday night. You were too excited and might not have noticed… it’s really important to me you see”

“I’m sorry ma’am… I’ll try to look for it. I’m sure it’s must be among my belongings…we were in a rush this morning… I’ll try and ask my mom if she saw it too”

“Then… I’ll trust you on that… it’s pouring hard…this wasn’t on the weather outcast” Mrs Kara said looking out the bus window.

She took out her phone checking the news.

“It’s all about her…” She smiles.

“My eyes are on you… you better find it or I won’t let you off” Mike glared while Abby sighs.

“It can’t be right?”

“What can’t be?”

“Angela wouldn’t have…”

“What are you saying?”

“My sister…she likes taking what’s not hers…what if it’s with her?”

“Where is she now?”

“She’s sitting at the back with Mom”

“You mean they’re in this bus also?” Mike asked and Abby nodded.

“Then let’s go get it” he held her and standing up whilst Mrs Kara stop them.

“Where are you going?”

“Mom we’ll be right back”

“Just sit…the bus is unsteady right now… you’ll fall if you walk around”

“Mom don’t worry… we’ll be fine”

“Just listen to me honey”

“Let’s wait like she said. We can always get it later”

“You can wait… I’ll get it myself”

“Mike!” Mrs Kara called and a sudden thunder strike scaring Mike making him halt on his track.

Now it’s has started pouring harder now that the people in the bus start to panic.

Another thunder strike making Mike fell.

“Mike! ” Mrs Kara stood trying to go to him but then the bus started trailing off the highway making the people fell on each other.

An uproar arouse. The driver tries to control the engine.

Mrs kara held onto the chair still trying to make it to Mike. Abby was already crying. Mrs Kara pulled crying Abby to herself. She stretches her other hand to get Mike but before she could the bus somersault and. Into the water underneath it goes.





What they were rescued many were found dead.

Mrs Kara was also found dead holding Abby in her arms who is luckily still breathing.

Mike learned about his mother death after he woke up from the hospital the day after.

It was as if his life ended. At a point he blamed himself for not listening to her to the end.

Like that…his mother ended her relationship with him. This must be his punishment.

He tried as ha-rd as he could to forget about the accident since it was nothing but torment to him.

He feared water but feared thunderstorm more.


“Since then Abby couldn’t continue flying… cause they always pick on her. Putting the blame on her. If not for her the instructor wouldn’t have died.

They called her bad luck.

It is said that anyone the instructor picked would turn out to be a big shot. Everyone wanted to be picked by her. Some bribed her but she only went for the one with the most talent. Abby . But in the end that leads to her doom and perhaps beginning of Abby’s misery. Eventually…she had to gave up…on her dream…when she couldn’t withstand it anymore. Then she became aloof… distant…and keep to herself. I pitied her. I wanted my cheerful sister back not the grumpy one she turned into. She cried practically day and night. I didn’t know what to do. So I returned the necklace to her. However she did calmed down a little…it took a while… for Abby to recover… from that trauma. but I…I had to live with the fear…of water. Maybe that’s my punishment”

“Wow…this is ironic…what a twist” Edward exclaimed.

Angela stretches the necklace to Mike.

“Here… I’ll give it back… it’s yours anyway” Mike collected it and look at it for a while. Then he smiles.

“Finally…I got it back”

“Sorry it took long”

Mike looks at her and Snickers.

“Everything always start with you…and end with you. Why is that?”


“Because we’re meant to be?” Mike interrupted her and she smiles nodding.

“Here… give it back to Abby…it was given to her anyway”

“Can’t I keep it instead?”

“You can ask her that” Mike smiles and Angela collected the necklace back.

“Hey Angel bro…I think you’ve done enough why don’t we get something to eat. I’m starving”

“Right Andrea must be worried sick by now” Angela stood up so does Edward.

“Aren’t you going?” Edward asked Mike who is still on sitting.

“I am….now” he stood up.

Edward put his arms around Mike and Angela.

“Let’s go…mates” he grins and off they go.


“Edward is something wrong? Why do you wanna see me suddenly? You even look pretty serious”

“Angela… we’re graduating soon”

“That I know… you don’t need to tell me” she Snickers.

“It’s been months…that I fell for you…why aren’t you giving me my answer?”

“Eddie… that. Hey are you kidding around again?” She nudge his shoulder playfully but Edward hugs her surprising her instead.

“Does it look like I am? Does my feelings to you all these months really seems like a joke? Then I must have been bad not showing it properly”

“Eddie the thing is ..” she wiggle herself out of his arms.

“Give me a chance…. Angela” Edward said and Angela could only play with the Hem of her skirt.

“I’m good at waiting…I can wait”

“Don’t wait!” She said abruptly.

“Don’t wait… Eddie…I… won’t come to you”

“Why?…why can’t you come to me? Because of Mike? The guy who can’t even like you back?”

“He will…I’m positive”

“Angela can’t you just see me instead? I’ve been looking at only you for months now?”

“Don’t blame me Eddie… just like you are looking at me who can’t reciprocate your feelings hoping that one day i will feel the same way back for you…I’m also looking at Mike hoping the same”

“You’re mean. You’re really mean”

“I love you Eddie… but just that…I’m sorry” she said sadly walking out of there.

“She’s mean…” Edward mutters to herself.


“Hey…I haven’t seen Edward lately…what happened? I noticed he doesn’t hang around anymore” Andrea asked.

“I don’t know…he must be going throu-ghsomething”

“Then he need us…he needs you… Angela”

“No…he doesn’t need me…he needs anyone…but me”

“What’s going on? You’re acting strange too” Andrea said while Angela just lay her head on the desk and sighs.

Andrea sight Mike coming and ran to him.

“Hey have you seen Edward around?”

“Do I look like his body guard?”

“I thought you two got more close….am I wrong? And you don’t have to answer me like that? You’re really rude”


“What?” Andrea asked but Mike just walks away from her.

“Rooftop?” She mutters to herself.

Mike went inside the cla-ss and sat on his sit. He looks at Angela who is awfully quiet.

It’s unlike her.

“Why? You got in some sort of trouble again?” He asked.

“Mike…when will you like me back?” She asked her head still the desk looking at Mike in the eyes.

Mike ignored her and took out his book opening it.

Angela sighs closing her eyes saying nothing.

They both kept quiet.


Edward stood looking at students from the rooftop.

Andrea came there and went to him. She slap his back playfully.

“Hey boy what you doing over here alone?” She asked standing beside him.

She got no reply.

Andrea looks at him. It’s rare to see him silent.

“Is something wrong? Why do you look like that?”

“Andrea….I’m sad” he replied sadly

“You’re sad? Why are you sad?”

“Because I’m hurt… Angela hurt me”


Edward sniffs wiping away a little drop of tear on his eyes.

“Are you crying?”

“I’m so hurt…that I just can’t hold it in anymore”

“Hey … Ed you’re a man…man don’t cry”

“But I want to cry… Andrea…” He paused and finally look at her.

“I might go crazy if I don’t”


“You know too right…I only have eyes on her ever since she came to this school?”

“Of course I do…I do very much”.

“But she prefers someone who can never look at her to me”

“Ed man up” Andrea pat him.

“I want to cry Andrea… please let me”

“Alright…if you can’t hold it in any longer…then let it out…let it all out. That way … you’ll feel a little better…cry Ed…as much as you want.”

“I’m hurting so much… because this is my first time…I don’t know what to do”

“First love always hurt…I know that well” she looks at him like someone who’s about to cry also.

“And it don’t always work out…” She completed looking away.

“We just have to be strong… for the ones coming. This is our first step… to the world of love which we know nothing about” she said looking down at her fingers and before she knew it Edward wrapped her around his arms he cries silently… while Andrea only Pat’s him.

“Cry…then go back to being the Ed I know. The Ed who isn’t as weak enough to cry over a girl. The Ed who makes silly mistakes and frustrate others. The playful and funny Ed who was a great friend”

“I’m leaving soon” he announced.


“After graduating…I’m leaving. I’m not completing my studies here.”


“Apparently…father feared for my future…so I’m going to someone more disciplined… someone who can make me more serious”

“Does Angela knows about this?”

“I’m telling only you…. nobody knows. Not even my twin sister”

“We’re gonna miss you”

“I’ll come back to you…I promise” he hugs her back.

“We’ll be waiting”

They stayed like that for a while without saying anything.

“Alright baby girl… let’s go I really feel pressed you know. I’ve been holding it in since earlier but I don’t think I can any longer. My kidney is about to burst” he disengage his expression totally changed from a minute ago.

“Let’s go let’s go let’s go!” He said leaving to the door while Andrea just look at him.

“Come on…. hurry hurry” he beckoned to her while Andrea smiles.

“Hey it’s bladder not kidney”

“Both are in my stomach…come on let’s go or I’m gonna dump you here. No I think I might probably do I can’t hold it any longer….see ya Andy!” He said fidgeting his legs as he rushed off while Andrea Snickers.

“He’s back” she mutters.

“Hey wait for me!” He ran after him.


“Why did you do that?”

“Do what?”

“I thought of it… you’re the only one stupid enough to do such a silly thing” Mike said to Daniel.

“I could report you you know” he added.

“Hey do you have evidence to back your claim up?”

” You don’t have to worry about that… I’ll sort it out just get ready to be called for a disciplinary action” Mike said leaving.

“Hey!” He held him back.

“I…I wanted to teach her a little lesson. She was being a pain. Honestly you hated her too didn’t you? Just think of it as your little revenge for revealing your secret”

“I never hated her”


“Daniel why are you so bent on ruining me?”

“Why do you think? It’s because I don’t like you”..

” But why? I never did bad to you”

” You… have anyone ever told you how annoying you can be? You’re pompous act as if you’re over the world. Does getting good grades mean everything?”

“AHH…is this about it? Me getting good grades?”

“I told you you’re annoying”.

“Your reasons are illogical I refuse to be hated by it. Sort it out yourself. As for Angela…get ready to face the punishment. She almost died because of you”

Mike walks away.

“Hey! Hey!!”

“So it was you?” Edward said coming out of his hiding.

“What is it to you?”

“What it is to me? ” Edward step forward and gave him a punch.

“That’s what it is to me… despicable jerk” he walks away blowing his fist.

“How dare he do that to my angel…It hurts…his face is damn hard”

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E13

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My Crush Is A Gay - S01 E15

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